Workshops, Programs, and Gatherings

Come As You Are:
Holding Space for Our Truths

Saturday, April 30, 2022, 1-3pm CT
This in-person workshop is an invitation to come as you are, settle in and be curious about your inner truth. The two+ years of the pandemic may have pulled us in many diretctions and away from what we feel is our center. Through gentle asana (postures and movement), pranayama (breathwork) a peace circle and yoga nidra (deep rest), you’ll hold space to explore the personal and collective truth.

During our time together, you will be invited to:

  • Connect with the body through gentle asana

  • Conenct with the breath through accesible pranayama

  • Share your relationship to your inner truth and listen to others using a restorative justice framework

  • Take rest and ease through yoga nidra

Your hosts, Mary Beth Johnson and Brittany Simons, LCSW have 10+ years combined experience facilitating yoga classes and workshops and holding space for healing and growth. We look forward to sharing this journey with you!

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Come As You Are:
An Invitation to Begin Again

Saturday, May 1, 2021, 1-3pm CT
This workshop is an invitation to be in community and reflect on the impact of last year and how we’d like to move forward:

  • Move through a heart-centered asana and pranayama practice

  • Come together in a virtual community to reflect on the last year, using a restorative justice framework

  • Have the chance to express grief, loss, joy, hope, privilege, and anything else in our minds and/or on our hearts

  • Explore what we want to leave behind and what we want to carry forward

  • Share lessons we have learned/wisdom gained

Your hosts, Brittany Simons, LCSW and Mary Beth Johnson have 10+ years combined experience teaching yoga and holding space for healing and growth.

On a somber and rainy day, they met over a cup of tea and reflected on the last year and all of the feelings surrounding what’s to come. From those conversations, this workshop was born. They recognize that everyone has their own individual experience over the last year and they encourage and welcome you to come to this space just as you are, honoring whatever is present for you. Just as Spring showcases how earth blooms after being dormant and how each exhale leads to a new cycle of breath, we all have the invitation to begin again.